Secrets of my Heart
The Power within you
by Mazuba Mwiinga

“Do you know why the small David of the Bible, bit the giant Goliath so easily?” My friend asked me as we sat on a restaurant table, chattering about the power within man.

“It’s because David was inspired and protected by the Holy Spirit of God”, I said. “Okay, if it was a class examination, I would have given you a full mark”, he said.

“Well”; I replied. “That sounds like I have gotten it wrong; hasn’t I?” I asked. “The answer my friend is simpler than what you have offered”, He said. “How on earth, can one miss to hit a Giant man like Goliath?” he explained. “When David came to where Goliath was standing, he was filled with so much happiness and declared that, ‘I will kill you Goliath because I cannot miss such a huge mass of body which I can see so clearly from where I am’. And David did kill Goliath because no one can miss such a huge mass of body standing before them, as long as they believe they can do it”, my friend taught me.

There goes the amazing story. The inner most core of our lives I have been told umpteenth time, lies within us. So often we fail to see the huge mass of challenges standing majestically before us, because we are too terrified to admit that this huge mass of a challenge is nothing but a big laughing stock ready to fall. We fail to turn this huge mass of a challenge into a defeat- able wreck, but rather become so paranoiac as thinking that; huge means hard to fight.

We fail to realize that actually huge means easy to spot and easy to hit. We fail to realize that, huge means easy to get tired and hard to run fast. We fail to realize that, huge means easy to get hungry and easy to get weak. We fail to see the weaknesses in the huge challenge and die of its huge mass before we even attempt to fight it.  

The power within us is more than the tiny fear we allow to occupy our thoughts, because one positive thought is more powerful than five negative thoughts; and the power within us to manifest the numerous wishes we want to have; more positive, courageous thoughts, will defeat any challenge no matter how huge it may appear to be.

A courageous heart, never feels pain; nor does it preview disaster. A courageous heart declares eternity, and fosters life of abundance. A positive thought coupled with a courageous heart, always has an inner joy that makes it create anything good it wishes.

The power within us is the most powerful instrument this world has ever offered to man. But few of us, know we have this power to create our own lives the way we want it to be. As someone says, the Universe is like a catalog from which we can choose whatever we want to achieve in life; all we need to do, is have a positive thought coupled with joy in our hearts; that’s why Faith is defined by someone as; ‘a trust in goodness’. How do you think miracles and magic happen? It all comes from a positive thought that visualizes a reality and finally creates that which a thought wants to see. Robert Collier (1885 – 1950) said, “All power is from within and is therefore under our own control”.

Alexander Graham Bell (1847 – 1922) said, “What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists”.
Sunday November 6, 2011 (13:21hrs)

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