Aspire to
Mazuba Mwiinga
Intention 5: Motivate Your Practice
to use our gifts which have been given to us for free are more serious sins
than the comparatively insignificant lapses in conduct that are so often given
the name of ‘sin’.” - Ralph Rolls
one of us I believe grew up with dreams or destinies to achieve in life. My son
tells me he dreams of becoming a Pilot. And I always tell him that nothing is
impossible and that he can be anything he wants to be and he will be a Pilot.
When we develop dreams in our lives, we always look at what interests us; what
resonates with our mind and what makes us excited when we do it; that’s the
passion. Such a feeling immediately tells us where our gifts or talents are.
These gifts do not just come up from nowhere; we are born with them. They are
called gifts because indeed they are gifts from God. At the time of conception
in our mothers’ womb God presents each one of us with a gift to arm himself
with in this world. Some are lucky, for they get to grow up with so many of
these gifts.
what baffles us is the fact that, most of us when we become adults and pursue
careers that resonated with our talents we hardly put sense to them but rather
wish to do what other people do, just because someone’s pay check is fatter
than what we do. In the end we find ourselves very un-productive, un-happy, and
lazy and bored with life. Next comes pilfering.
we don’t know is that, these gifts were given to us because God knows our
capabilities, abilities and strengths in those areas of duty, so much that if
we are to follow these talents and use them to the fullest, we won’t just be
happy but prosperous too. We will love what we do and never get fade up with
life because what we do is our life itself. We will put more into our work than
we get from it in monetary terms and this in turn gives us more prosperity as
Wallace Wattles says that the science of getting rich is “Giving every person
more in use value than you take from them in cash value”. And this only becomes
possible when one is pursuing his talent.
dilemma however that has encroached most of us is that we don’t even know what
are gifts are. Those of us who know what these gifts are, we hardly use them.
We allow the inertia and security of our comfort zones to erode our gifts.
Ralph Rolls puts it that the failures to use our gifts which have been given to
us for free are more serious sins than the comparatively insignificant lapses
in conduct that are so often given the name of ‘sin’. He says that it could
well be the work of the Devil that we are kept thinking about unimportant and
irrelevant ‘sins’ while falling away from our real humanity through not using
some talent that has been freely given to us, goes unnoticed.
order for us to buttress these gifts all we need to do is motivate our
practice. We have to be worthy of our gifts by doing and re-doing them. As the
famous saying goes, ‘practice makes perfect’, we need to inculcate a spirit of
replenishing that which was given to us from the day of our conception. If we
don’t use these gifts, slowly they fade away and when what we were given free
of charge fades away from our soul, we are likely never to grasp any other
replacement because our talents are in-born; they are skills through which the
power of imagination takes root in our lives, making the universe be conscious
of itself. These gifts come from the creative source itself, the rest are just
replicas of what we see in others but are never in our blood system.
my career, journalism we always say that ‘journalists are born and not made’. A
true picture of reality because those who have tried to be one, when it wasn’t
theirs, have failed to make sense of the trade. Most of them changed careers
soon after graduating because they went into journalism just to be like someone
they saw on TV or heard on radio or read a story he or she wrote in the
newspaper or magazine. Its true ‘once a journalist always a journalist’, so we
used to say and it can never be truer than this because no one quits his or her
gifts for they are embedded in their blood.
who have left their gifts and sought to do other more lucrative careers are
never satisfied with what they do. The perks may be enough, but their hearts
still crave for something that completes their lives. We see some of them are
lawyers or entrepreneurs but they still troop back to TV screens as News
Casters because that’s where they belong.
Canfield once said that, “If it isn’t fun, don’t do it”. He knows exactly what
it means to have gifts or talents. That which you do with your heart exploding
with joy is the one that makes you a full human being because you take your
work not as a job but as something you are indebted in doing; as something that
is part of your life.
I believe the rife of corruption in society today is not about the mentality of
human beings, but because most of the people are in careers, that do not
resonate with their lives. The logic is that, why should someone pay you a kick
back over something you enjoy doing; something that completes your life and
makes you happy when you do it and makes you feeling low if you don’t do it in
a space of time? Only the one who forces himself to the office because he has
no motivation in what he does, will rather get a kick back to satisfy the hole
in his career.
we take for granted is taken away from us and often times we only realise this
when it’s already too late. Whatever we own is on loan, and service to others
is the interest we pay on our debts. So we need to be worthy of what we have
and if we don’t service our debts by serving others the great landlord and
lender of everything we have up there will repossess our belongings in no time.
The best duty is to perform a service so we can service our debt. Just one tiny
act of kindness is a great start.
human beings we need to be worthy of our gifts. If we don’t know them, we need
to have an intention of discovering them, then develop them and intend to aspire
to inspire others to develop theirs not what they see being done by others. we
will find that, the more we challenge our mind, the more powerful our mind
becomes, and the happier and more successful we become in life.