Dark cloud hovers PF-UPND Pact
by mazuba mwiinga
A dark cloud is hovering over what we thought is our hope to rejuvenate our nation and have happy lives with the PF-UPND Pact. But alas, it’s all going to the dogs now. What a sad moment for Zambia.
From the time the two Parties agreed to work together nothing on the Presidential candidate was said or agreed; not even a draft idea on how the leader will be chosen. They just agreed that they will not compete each other on any one election that comes. And this too seems to be problematic now because they don’t have a common purpose for this Pact.
This watery arrangement to some extent was deliberately done; because I painfully believe the two leaders and their close allies would rather die than supporting the candidature of the Party leader from another Party, unless their own leader says so. And looking at the way the two leaders have been associating each other, it’s clear that each one of them stands on their own feet with un shakeable stance to run for the Republican Presidency.
The two Parties have all along been using the name of the Pact to gain more and more popularity than to pave a way for strengthening the Pact itself. Unfriendly statements have been said before like “we have won so many by-elections than thy have”, and “we have so many MPs in Parliament than they have”. “We need a young leader” and “We need an experienced leader”. This shows how childish and un serious their idea of a Pact is.
These Parties are blatant jokes, and incessantly lying to each other. Their leaders are arrogant, insincere, and selfish and have no any political moral fibre to heed that which the people have been telling them. Whether we like it or not, there is a big crack in this Pact which they have been trying to plaster over just for them to buy time.
Now that we have pushed them to choose a leader so that we whole heartedly sacrifice our time, knowledge, resources and intelligence to back up that leader fully, they have felt the pressure and are jittery lest one of them loses the chance to rule and they start washing their dirty gimmicks in the streets.
Let the people debate and talk and give reasons why they want that particular candidate for the Pact. The only thing people shouldn’t even allow to corrupt their intelligence is the silly reasoning that if their favourite candidate loses to lead the Pact then they will shift their support to MMD. That’s retrogressive, foolish and unrealistic reasoning. People should learn to respect the views of the majority and play along.
It’s such a pricking pin in some of our skins, seeing our efforts being tattered with such selfishness. Sata and Hikainde should count themselves fully liable to any consequences that will make this Pact a failure.
Their egos and insatiable gluttonous appetite for power will never be satisfied as long as they continue lying to us and cheating themselves that they can go it alone because there will be a hail stone in hot season for that to happen. They need each other now more than ever before. In Tonga we say, Munwe Omwe Taupwayi Njina; one finger cannot crash a lice.
Copyright:© 2010, July 23